The government has proposed a policy to allow Koreans and Japanese to enter and exit both countries like local residents without passports.
This was presented as an idea while trying to develop relations following the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan which will happen next year.
The government said, "Europeans are already coming and going between their countries as local residents, so out country can also do it." In other words, Korea and Japan should also advance toward liberalization of movement, using something similar to the 'Schengen Agreement' which is being implemented by 27 European countries.
However, some Korea people are strongly opposed to these policies and speak out against them. The words that come to the foce are as follows.
Attempts to normalize the Dokdo issue by allowing both Korea and japanese citizens to enter without passports are a step that greatly harms our national interests. In addition, this policy should not be implemented because it can be interpreted as indirect recognition of Japan's illegal claims on our territory, including Dokdo.
After this opposition, the people are proceeding with a petition to protect our security from this policy. The consent period is from May 2nd to June 1st.
L.L.F reporter Se-Hyun Kim